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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Healthy Foods. Tampilkan semua postingan

Benefits Of Peanut Butter For Health

Did you know, it turns out peanut butter has many health benefits, and there is even a study that says that the peanut butter is able to lose weight. In addition to losing weight, peanut butter can also reduce a person's risk of developing diabetes. So what makes this peanut butter proved beneficial to the human body. Peanut butter is also shown to contain many nutrients that are needed by the body.

Peanut butter is a popular food throughout the world, used as a smear of peanut butter bread, peanut-flavored candy, and flavorings in pastries peanut flavor. Peanut butter is very good to eat with fruit jam called jelly. Sandwich with peanut butter and jelly alloy called in the United States as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In people who suffer from peanut allergy, peanut butter can trigger acute anaphylactic allergic reactions and death.

In addition to vitamin D, peanut butter also contains antioxidants that can fight some types of diseases that harm the body, such as cancer. Peanut butter also contains a lot of protein and fiber needed by the body. Some people are afraid of the nuts, because a lot of rumors circulating, that the nuts can make a person fat. In fact, peanut butter does not make a person fat. It could even make a person lose weight and become slim. You have to start trying diet with peanut butter.

Health benefits of peanut butter

There are a variety of health benefits for the peanut butter, which can nourish the digestive system, making your stomach feel full longer so that your weight will not increase. This is because peanut butter contains a lot of fiber, protein and monounsaturated fat. The experts believe, if someone who is having a resistance to the hormone insulin, then consuming foods that have a lot of monounsaturated fats, such as peanut butter, will have less flab on her stomach when compared with those who consume foods that contain lots of saturated fat.

Peanut butter also has the ability to neutralize free radicals that will damage the cells and tissues that can lead to cancer because peanut butter also contains polyphenols. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant to prevent various diseases such as, degenerative neurological, cardiovascular disease, viruses and fungal infections, as well as brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

A wide variety of essential nutrients that are needed by the body are found mainly in the peanut butter. At each two tablespoons of peanut butter contains 49 mg of magnesium which serves to build bone, 2 mg of vitamin E as an antioxidant, 0.17 mg of vitamin B6 to boost immunity and 208 mg of potassium is very good for the muscles. Eat peanut butter with whole wheat bread to get the health benefits, while maximizing your diet program. You will get a double benefit with the combination of both these foodstuffs as bread made ​​from wheat has more nutrients and lower in calories than regular bread flour.

High Purine Foods That Should Avoid For Uric Acid

Uric acid is the result of excessive consumption of purine substances, therefore we must know the purine content of the foods we eat. Purine is processed by the body into uric acid, but if excess uric acid levels, so the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result the joints become painful, swollen and inflamed.

Uric acid is a disease of purine metabolic waste substances from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself is a substance contained in any food that comes from living bodies. In other words, in the living body there is this purine substances, and because we eat living things, then these purine substances move on to our bodies. A variety of vegetables and fruits also contained purine. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells that occurs normally or because certain diseases. Usually uric acid attack in the elderly, because the buildup of purines.

List of foods that high in purine

Click to enlarge
Suggestion for gout sufferers:

  • Consumption of foods containing high potassium such as potatoes, yogurt, and bananas. 
  • Consumption of fruits that contain lots of vitamin C, such as oranges, papaya and strawberries. Examples of fruit and vegetables to treat gout: dragon fruit, starfruit, ginger, pumpkin, mustard greens, chicory, lemon grass and tomato. 
  • Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates such as rice, cassava, bread and potatoes. 
  • Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates such as fructose type of sugar, candy, cotton candy, taffy and syrup. 
  • Do not take aspirin. 
  • Do not work too hard / fatigue. 
  • In people who are overweight (obese), uric acid levels usually rise but spending a little faster, then you should lose weight with exercise. 
  • Adjust energy intake with the body's needs, based on height and weight.
Dietary restrictions for gout sufferers: 
  • Vegetables: cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, beans, oyster mushrooms, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, kale 
  • Cheese, eggs, cream, ice cream, broth or gravy is thick 
  • Certain fruits such as durian, pineapple and coconut water 
  • Fried foods, containing coconut milk or cooked by using margarine / butter
  • Foods rich in protein and fat 
  • Viscera: kidney, spleen, tripe, intestines, liver, lung and brain 
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, clams, mussels, oysters, crabs, anchovies, sardines 
  • Extracts such as shredded meat and jerky 
  • Foods that are canned (example: corned beef, sardines) 
  • Mutton, beef, horse meat 
  • Ducks, geese and turkeys 
  • Legumes: soybeans (including processed products such as tempeh, tauco, oncom, soy milk), peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts, melinjo, chips

10 Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Onion

We often find onions in a variety of dishes, but did you know the benefits and nutritional content of onions? Onions have a characteristic that is rich in thiosulfinat, sulfide, sulfur oxides and other sulfur-smelling mixture. Custeine ​​Sulfur Oxides which was instrumental in the onion flavor and produce substances that make pain in the eyes. Thiosulfinates produce anti-bacterial substance. Onion is effective against many bacteria including: Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, and E. coli. Onions garlic is not as hard as her sulfur content is approximately a quarter rather than garlic.

Onions have a variety of benefits of treatment. The earliest inhabitants of the Americas, using wild onions to treat colds, coughs, and asthma, and to repel insects. In Chinese medicine, onions have been used to treat sore throats, coughs, bacterial infections and respiratory problems.

The World Health Organization (WHO) supports the use of onions to improve poor appetite and prevent constriction of blood vessels. In addition, onion extracts are recognized by WHO for help treat coughs and colds, asthma and bronchitis. Onions are known to reduce airway spasms. An onion extract is known to reduce shortness of breath due to allergic asthma patients.

Onion nutritional value

Onions are a very rich source of frukto-oligosaccharides. These oligomers stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria bifidobacteria and suppress the growth of harmful bacteria in the large intestine. In addition, they can reduce the risk of tumors developing in the colon. The highest onion nutrition is vitamin C, which reach 12% of our RDA. Onion also contain several other vitamins and minerals that you can read below.

Onoin (Allium cepa),  raw,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy40 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates9.34 g7%
Protein1.10 g2%
Total Fat0.10 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.7 g4.5%
Folates19 µg5%
Niacin0.116 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.123 mg2.5%
Pyridoxine0.120 mg9%
Riboflavin0.027 mg2%
Thiamin0.046 mg4%
Vitamin A2 IU0%
Vitamin C7.4 mg12%
Vitamin E0.02 mg0%
Sodium4 mg0%
Potassium146 mg3%
Calcium23 mg2%
Copper0.039 mg4%
Iron0.0.21 mg3%
Magnesium10 mg2.5%
Manganese0.129 mg5.5%
Phosphorus29 mg4%
Zinc0.17 mg 1.5%
Carotene-beta1 µg--
Cryptoxanthin-beta0 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin4 µg--

10 amazing onion health benefits

  1. Against cancer. Onions are rich in sulfide compounds, are efficacious protects body cells against tumor growth.

  2. Controlling blood glucose levels. Eating onions can help reduce blood glucose levels. Onions contain allyl-propyl-disulfide and chromium that helps increase the production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body's absorption of glucose by the cells.

  3. Prevent blood clots. Onions contain anti-clotting substance. The content of sulfur in onions efficacious to prevent blood clots.

  4. Helps digestive system. Onions contain dietary fiber that helps digestion. Onions also contain a prebiotic that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the digestive system that helps the digestive function.

  5. Protect against allergies. Onions are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.

  6. Maintain brain health. Onions contain a lot of vitamin B complex such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folate and thiamin which is an important nutrient for the brain and play a role in preventing neurological disorders.

  7. Strengthen bones. Onions contain several important nutrients that maintain bone density in the form of minerals like copper, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

  8. Strengthen network connector. Sulfur contained in onions useful in the formation of connective tissue.

  9. Strengthen immunity. Onions are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, quercetin, and manganese minerals are highly efficacious in curing fever and influenza.

  10. Reduce risk of hypertension. Onions contain a substance called allicin, which maintain the flexibility of blood vessels to maintain blood pressure remains normal.

Calories In An Egg At Breakfast Enough To Give You Energy

An egg not only generate power, but also loaded with protein. Do you know how many calories in an egg? In this post we will try to give you eggs calories in each types of cooking method. Eat eggs at breakfast to curb your appetite. Egg contains about 330 calories and can be "live" at all day. Tip: Fried eggs in a nonstick frying pan to get a healthy egg. Dab a small amount of oil in a skillet for a crispy egg without a lot of fat.

According to myrecipes site, egg combination is a healthy breakfast that you can choose. Egg also included in 1500 calories diet method, where at breakfast you eat two pieces of wheat bread, two boiled eggs without the yolk, or one slice of low-fat cheese, and a glass of nonfat milk. This diet is successful because it will not make you hungry and tormented. With 1500 calories diet, this amount is enough to make you stay energized, keep your immune system, as well as keeping the calorie-burning muscle. You also will not feel tired, sick, or hungry.

Eggs calories in each cooking types

  • Calories in an egg white 1 egg white serving contained 12 kCal
  • Calories in a boiled egg medium sized (57g) contain 84 kCal
  • Calories in a fried egg (60gr) contain 107 kCal
  • Calories in a poached egg (50gr) contain 74 kCal
  • Calories in egg scrambled with milk (120gr - 2 eggs) contain 296 kCal
  • Calories in a hard boiled egg (large size about 1.8 oz), contain 78 calories
  • Calories in fried egg without added fat (large size about 1.8 oz), contain 78 calories
Quote from livestrong site:
The calories you’ll get from an omelet increase as the eggs pick up some of the fat you use in the pan, so use as little fat as possible. For example, a plain, two-egg omelet has about 43 more calories than two raw eggs. As a general guideline, plan on getting 188 calories from two large, whole eggs cooked into an omelet. They also contain 12.9 grams of complete protein, which is 28 percent of women’s recommended daily allowance, and 23 percent of men’s. You can also count on getting at least 10 percent of your recommended daily allowance of iron, folate and vitamins A, D and B-12.
Below are benefits of included eggs at breakfast:
  • Eggs can increase your energy in the morning, and help you to live all-day activity. Egg yolks have fat that can be both a source of energy. For best results, try the poached eggs for breakfast.
  • Eggs are a source of protein that gives strength to your body. Egg white has a protein called albumin, if taken in the morning can help your body absorb more protein than any other food that you consume. If you exercise, egg whites also help muscle growth.
  • Breakfast is two eggs can make you feel full until lunch time. This sense of satiety potent making you stay away from unhealthy snacks. 
  • Eggs have nutrients that can boost brain power. Eggs contain choline, a nutrient that may stimulate the brain, thus improving memory and cognitive power. Therefore, eggs are also very good for consumption by children as a nutritious breakfast menu.

Is It True Calories In Banana Make You Fat? Read The Facts!

Bananas indeed quite high in calories, but there are so many nutrients content in banana that more important than calories content in it. An  exercise physiologist and nutritionist, Martica Heaner said, if you consume about 10 bananas, there are about 1,000 calories, you could be fat. However, most likely you will not be able to eat 10 bananas at once. 1-2 bananas is enough to make you feel full.

Bananas do have fat, but only a little, and is a good kind of fat. Not only that, bananas also have a bit of protein, as well as other ingredients, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, and lots of vitamin B. Bananas are a snack that contains carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium, which can be lost during a hard workout session. So, if eaten after exercise, can restore the lost energy and electrolytes. Plus, each piece of banana, there are 3 grams of fiber. This will give a sense of satiety.

Bananas beneficial to the body because it can help overcome heartburn, providing instant energy, a cure for constipation, drunk, and helps control blood pressure and stress. Well, if banana contains so many nutrients for the body, then why bananas can make you fat?

As said by Martica Heaner above, consuming too many bananas every day, it can make you gain weight. Therefore, if you are likes consuming this fruit, you are obliged to restrict it. It is recommended you should eat two bananas a day to keep your body fit and healthy. Do not eat more than three pieces of banana if you want to get instant energy, because glycogen that produced after eating bananas will be stored in the liver, so it turned into body fat. Banana fruit is included free of fat, but it contains sugar levels high enough so that it can make you gain weight.

Bananas can make you fat if you are not exercising. The accumulation of fat, because the calorie content of bananas are pretty high. Now, therefore, if you eat a banana is better directly followed by a 15 minute walk to burn off the fat from the banana. To avoid gaining weight from too much eating bananas, you'll want to reduce the sugar intake from other fruits on a regular basis. If you still want to eat a banana, you should consume two bananas in the morning with milk to burn calories. So, ready to eat banana and get the benefits?

19 Foods High In Potassium (Potassium Rich Foods Besides Banana)

Potassium is an electrolyte that your body needs so your body stay energized. Eating foods containing high potassium can also lower blood pressure. According to the study, an increase in potassium helps the kidneys excrete salt and water from the body that help lower blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of stroke. One of the biggest problems of fast food is high in sodium and low in potassium. In fact studies show that increasing potassium and reducing sodium intake can reduce the risk of stroke by 21 percent and also the risk of heart disease.

Potassium is a mineral that protects blood vessels from oxidative damage and keep it from thickening. Adults need 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day. Even so, too much potassium can also be detrimental to health.

Based on wikipedia, A potassium intake sufficient to support life can in general be guaranteed by eating a variety of foods. Clear cases of potassium deficiency (as defined by sympt0ms, signs and a bel0w-n0rmal bl00d level of the element) are rare in healthy individuals. Foods rich in potassium include parsley, dried apricots, dried milk, chocolate, various nuts (especially almonds and pistachios), potatoes, bamboo shoots, bananas, avocados, soybeans, and bran, although it is also present in sufficient quantities in most fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

Potassium Recommended Dietary Intake
The Food and Nutrition Center of the Institute of Medicine has established the following recommended dietary intakes for potassium:
  • 0 - 6 months: 0.4 grams a day (g/day)
  • 7 - 12 months: 0.7 g/day
Children and Adolescents
  • 1 - 3 years: 3 g/day
  • 4 - 8 years: 3.8 g/day
  • 9 - 13 years: 4.5 g/day
  • 14 - 18 years: 4.7 g/day
  • Age 19 and older: 4.7 g/day
Women who are producing breast milk need slightly higher amounts (5.1 g/day). Ask your doctor what amount is best for you.

Foods high in potassium

  1. Milk
    Milk was allegedly also a good source of potassium. In one bowl, milk contains 382 potassium.
  2. Orange juice
    A total of 3/4 cup of orange juice contains 355 mg of potassium. In addition, orange juice is also a source of calcium, folate, and some vitamin B.
  3. Calabash
    Calabash or opo squash, bottle gourd or long melon is low in calories with fiber and vitamin A that high. Not only that, half a bowl of fruit also contains 448 mg of potassium.
  4. Fish
    Fish such as halibut and tuna contain almost 500 mg of potassium for every 85 grams. But potassium is not the only reason you should eat fish, healthy high fat content also lowers the risk of heart disease.
  5. Soybeans
    Soy products are the best sources of protein and can also fight inflammation in the body. Potassium content was also quite high, half a bowl of soy beans contains almost 500 mg of potassium.
  6. Sweet potatoes
    Sweet potatoes are foods with the highest potassium content. One piece of sweet potato contains about 694 mg of potassium and only 131 calories. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber, beta-carotene, and carbohydrates.
  7. Tomato sauce
    Nobody deny the benefits of fresh tomatoes, but if you want high potassium content, tomatoes need to be made ​​into a sauce. A quarter cup of tomato sauce contains 664 mg of potassium. In the meantime, if juiced tomatoes can provide 400 mg of potassium.
  8. Beet leaves
    In beet plants, we often just make use of the tuber and discard the leaves. Though beet leaves contain potassium that is as high as 644 mg every half bowl. Beet leaves also contain high antioxidant.

  9. Yardlong bean
    Yardlong bean that also known as bora, long-podded cowpea, asparagus bean, pea bean, snake bean, or Chinese long bean contains 600 mg of potassium for every half bowl. However, other legumes such as lentils and peas can also be a good source of potassium.
  10. Yogurt
    Approximately 227 grams of yogurt contains 579 mg of potassium. While low-fat yogurt contain slightly lower.
  11. Clams
    Eighty-five grams of clams containing 534 mg of potassium and the highest concentration of vitamin B12.
  12. Prune
    Three-quarters cup of prune juice contains 530 mg of potassium, and the same amount of boiled prunes contains 400 mg. Additionally prune well known for maintaining bone density.
  13. Carrot juice
    Carrot juice as much as 3/4 cup contains 500 mg of potassium. In addition, carrot juice also provide good benefits for the eyes.
  14. Molasses
    This molasses is an alternative that is often used to replace sugar or honey. Behind the sweet, molasses apparently also has a high potassium content. One tablespoon of molasses contains 500 mg of potassium and iron, and calcium that also high.
  15. Dried apricots
    Apricots are not rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, but also contains potassium that is quite high. Dried apricots (through the drying process) contains 257 milligrams of potassium per quarter cup serving.
  16. Cantaloupe
    Cantaloupe contains potassium that is quite high. A serving of fresh fruit (134 grams) contains 358 milligrams of potassium. Exaggerating a little portion then you will get the amount of potassium as much as in one banana.
  17. Papaya
    Besides high in fiber, papaya also high in potassium. A piece of papaya with a size of 2.5 cm has 264 milligrams of potassium. By adding another piece, then you will get a number of more potassium than bananas.
  18. Date fruit
    One date fruit has a large enough potassium, which is 167 milligrams. What if we consume more than 5 in one day? Obviously fruit is rich in fiber can match the amount of potassium in bananas.
  19. Avocado
    It also contains high potassium. One avocado contains 975 milligrams of potassium or more than half the potassium in bananas.

20 List Of Foods High In Iron

Iron is one of the important minerals that the human body needs, therefore we highly recommended to consume foods that contain high iron. Function of iron is to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Iron combines with oxygen in the lungs and release oxygen in the blood that requires. Iron used in the manufacture of hemoglobin and play a critical role in the normal functioning of the immune system.

Iron deficiency causes inhibition of hemoglobin in the blood supply. Disease due to lack of hemoglobin (red blood cells) is called anemia. Common symptoms characterized by less passionate, tiredness and weakness, pallor and dizziness.

Adult males (with a body weight 75 kg) containing ± 4000 mg of iron, while adult women (with a body weight 55 kg) containing ± 2100 mg of iron. Men have iron stores in the spleen and bone marrow as much as 500-1500 mg, that is why the lack of blood (anemia) is relatively rare in men. Instead, women only have reserves of iron 0-300 mg so prone to anemia, especially in women of childbearing age experience menstruation.

Requirement for iron depend on gender and age, adequacy that recommended each age are as follows:
  • children 2-6 years 4.7 mg / day
  • aged 6-12 years 7.8 mg / day
  • males 12-16 years of 12.1 mg / day
  • girls 12-16 years 21.4 mg / day
  • adult males 8.5 mg / day
  • adult women of childbearing age 18.9 mg / day
  • menopause 6.7 mg / day, and feeding 8.7 mg / day. 

Adequacy rate is calculated based on the bioavailability of 15%. Iron in the diet can come from vegetable sources with 2-3% bioavailability and animal sources with 20-23% bioavailability. To improve bioavailability, iron yag derived from plants can be added with vitamin C and other organic acids.

And here are 20 foods that high in iron:
  1. Spinach
    Spinach, is a vegetable that really help us to bind iron. With spinach we can tie a lot of iron, and the spinach is already known to reduce the symptoms of anemia. So do not hesitate to eat spinach every week. In addition to iron, spinach also contains vitamin A.
  2. Fish
    Marine fish believed rich in omega-3 and 6. Baronang fish known to contain as much as 3.8 mg of iron per 100 grams. The Selian sardines also contain 2.5 mg of iron per 100 grams. Salmon fish is the main source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. And do not forget there's another one, namely tuna.
  3. Yogurt
    You will get minimum one-third of the calcium content in one cup per day. Calcium will build and maintain bone health.
  4. Eggs
    Eggs are rich in all minerals, including iron, and vitamin B. Ideal eggs consumed at breakfast as it contains adequate amounts of energy.
  5. Dried Fruit
    Fruit raisins, apples, pears, apricots and peaches are most commonly dried fruit. But dried fruits that contain lots of iron is raisin and plum. In each ½ cup raisins contained 1.9 mg of iron and in 1 cup prunes contained 1 mg of iron.
  6. Beef
    In 100 grams of fresh beef contains 201 kcal of energy, 14 grams of fat, and 2.8 mg of iron.
  7. Potato skins
    Maybe most of us do not eat the skin of the potatoes and peel it for disposal. Apparently, the study found that the potato skins contain iron five times larger than its own flesh potatoes.
  8. Corn
    Corn is rich in iron and copper. Corn is also a good source of vitamins A and C.
  9. Kale
    Kale is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B and C. Kale contains high amounts of iron, calcium, and potassium.
  10. Chard
    Chard is a vegetable that contains vitamin A and iron.
  11. Apricots
    This fruit contains iron that perfect to make sure the body gets iron intake.
  12. Beet greens
    Beet greens are a source of vitamins A and B2. Beet greens can also enrich the blood with iron and manganese.
  13. Orange
    Help fight diseases caused by lack of vitamin C, because of citrus fruits contain folic acid.
  14. Prune
    Prune fruit, is a type of fruit that has a lot of iron compared apples and papayas. In the prune juice contained 3mg iron. So try this fruit to smoothen our blood circulation throughout the body.
  15. Nuts
    Peanuts, green beans and soy beans are kind of nuts that easily processed. 100 grams of soybeans containing 381 kcal of energy, and 10 mg of iron. While green beans contains 323 kcal of energy and 7.5 iron per 100 grams.
  16. Lentils
    In 1 cup of lentils contains 6.6 mg of iron.
  17. Brown rice
    Source of fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, and iron.
  18. Wheat bread
    Wheat bread is the choice for dieters, other than that, it turns out that oats contain large iron, besides having the function of preventing heart disease and cancer. So, even if not on a diet, whole grain bread can be an option for our iron binding.
  19. Raisins
    Raisins contain iron that very high. Raisins are also foods that are alkaline and can help the body overcome acid conditions.
  20. Cereals
    Food that often served for breakfast menu is very good for health. ¾ cup of cereal contains 18 mg of iron. While 100 grams of instant oatmeal contains 11 mg of iron.

14 Low Calorie Foods Are Safe To Consume While On Diet

When you're on a diet, foods with high calorie content is very avoidable. And usually, you will be given a menu list of foods that are low in calories. Even so, we still have to pay attention to total calorie intake so that these needs remain fulfilled. A calorie is a unit used to measure the energy value obtained by the body when consuming food or beverages. To ensure that the needs of your nutritional value adequate well, you should look at the calorie content of foods or beverages you consume.

According to wikipedia, recommended daily intake of calories in the United States are 2,700 and 2,100 kcal (11,000 and 8,800 kJ) for men and women (respectively) between 31 and 50, at a physical activity level equivalent to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles per day at 3 to 4 miles per hour in addition to the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life, with French guidance suggesting roughly the same levels. Children, those with sedentary lifestyles, and older people require less energy; physically active people more.

Below you can read the list of low calorie foods from fruits, vegetables and other foods:
  1. Apples
    Apples are one of the most popular low-calorie foods. An apple typically contains about 65 calories and packed with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, K, and potassium.
  2. Watermelon
    A best choice for children and adults, this delicious fruit only contains 9 calories per ounce. Very significant benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and blood pressure, and increase the capacity to heal wounds. Watermelon is also an important source of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect you from cancer.
  3. Strawberries
    One other favorite foods, with only 49 calories per 5 ounce serving, the fruit will increase the amount of your energy. Strawberries are also one of the foods that are highly nutritious and have many positive effects on health, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, increased memory, better protection against cholesterol, cancer, muscular degeneration, and infection in general.
  4. Broccoli
    Often referred to as a super food, broccoli is not only very low in calories about 10 calories per ounce, but also very nutritious and protects you against inflammation and cancer. To optimize nutrient contained broccoli, the best way to cook them is to steam or boil.
  5. Carrots
    About four ounce servings of these vegetables will add 50 calories to your daily intake. Carrots are known for giving benefits to the sharpness of your vision and the osseous system. Is a popular choice for salads and juices, and even as a raw snack.
  6. Tomatoes
    Tomatoes offer low calorie approximately 27 calories per 5 ounce serving. Tomato offers a very complete spectrum of nutrients, most of which vitamins and minerals are represented, especially vitamins A, C, and K, and potassium. Adding tomatoes to your diet will protect against inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer.
  7. Spinach
    With only 7 calories per ounce and a row of nutrients they contain, spinach is one of the best choices for a diet to lose weight. Spinach is great for preventing the risk of cataracts and conditions associated with the other eye. The best way to serve the spinach is lightly cooked or served raw. Make sure not to cook it too long or you will lose most of the vitamins in the process.
  8. Celery
    One cup of celery contains less than 20 calories. Besides rich in fiber and water, celery can also help prevent cervical cancer. The way is prepared celery, wash and eat.
  9. Lettuce
    Lettuce contains only eight calories per cup. Although the lettuce actually contains water which can promote weight loss, but the lettuce also contains iron and magnesium. So, the lettuce will help you quickly satisfied without making you fat. Just make sure you do not eat them in a salad with full-fat dressing.
  10. Pickles and cucumbers
    Cucumber contains only 15 calories per cup, while the pickle contains only 17 calories. Make sure you also eat the cucumber skin contains lots of fiber. Cucumber contains mostly water and less vitamins and nutrients. However, cucumber is also a low-calorie food. You can eat them without fear of fat.
  11. Lemon
    Lemon cleanses the body and provide a sense of the food you do not like. Mix a little lemon in warm water and drink in the morning to boost your metabolism. Lemon also boost the immune system and to prevent infection.
  12. Asparagus
    Asparagus is a diuretic that facilitate food expenditure in the body fluids. Even so, these vegetables contain substances that can eliminate fat cells and reduce weight. Not only help you lose weight, asparagus is also used to protect against cancer, as well as reduce pain and inflammation.
  13. Baked Potato
    When dieting, the body still needs carbohydrates. But choose healthy carbohydrates, such as potatoes. Not the fries that have a high fat content and calories, but a baked potato. These foods are low in calories, also contains potassium. Roast and eat potatoes with the skin (remember it should be washed with clean first) to get extra fiber. 
  14. Whole Wheat Bread
    Bread made from whole wheat flour contains fiber which is much higher than white bread. It also contains complex carbohydrates that do not make the body fat. Make whole wheat bread as breakfast menu, brunch or a snack in the afternoon.

    10 Foods High In Fiber & Main Benefits of Fiber

    Fibrous foods are foods that contain fiber in which the body can not digest or absorb. Because it can not be digested by the body's digestive tract, dietary fiber is not going to generate energy or calories to the body. Foods that contain fiber are very best consumed body in amounts as needed because it provides a big benefits, especially in the digestion. Dietary fiber can not be absorbed in the small intestine. Therefore, the fiber will not enter the bloodstream. Although not easily digested, fiber appears to have an important role in the body. This fiber will be taken by the small intestine to the large intestine with intestinal peristalsis. The presence of fiber in the colon will help the process of metabolism in the large intestine.

    Foods high in fiber

    Green leafy vegetables
    Green leafy vegetables are the food sources rich in iron, beta-carotene and fiber. According to nutritionists, green vegetables such as spinach, turnip greens, and beet greens, are the best sources of fiber. One cup serving contains 4 to 5 g of fiber.

    Corn contains many antioxidants. About half a cup of corn kernels, contains 2 grams of fiber. Popcorn (without salt or seasoning) is also a source of fiber, with about 3.5 grams of fiber per three-cup serving.

    Brown rice
    If you're eating white rice, with a chewy texture and savory taste, you seem to have to get used to eating brown rice. Each cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber.

    Nuts contain a lot of fiber. According to nutritionists, black beans and kidney beans is one of the best sources of fiber. You can get about 15 g of fiber or more per 1 cup serving. Nuts, such as cashews, almonds and other unsaturated fats. Studies show that people who eat nuts regularly are allow to lose weight more easily.

    Fruit is a good source of fiber. According to nutrition experts, raspberries, blackberries and elderberries are the best sources of dietary fiber, with 8 to 10 g of fiber per 1 cup serving.

    Avocados are the best source of fiber, with two tablespoons per serving of avocado has about 2 grams of fiber and whole fruit pulp contains about 10 grams of fiber. Avocados are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids that can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Unsaturated fat contained in avocados can increase delay hunger hormone called Leptin. This hormone can make your brain think the body is satisfied that make you stop eating.

    Like most fruits with edible skin, pears are the fruit of the most nutritious and fiber-rich skin when they are consumed in their entirety. A pear contains about 5.5 grams of fiber.

    As well as pear, apple is a fruit that should be eaten with the skin. Because that's where, nutrients from the stored apples. A regular size apple contains about 4.4 grams of fiber.

    Half a cup of edamame can contain up to 11 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber, depending on the brand of the product you buy of course.

    We all know that broccoli is good for health. Broccoli may prevent cancer and also contain a lot of fiber. You will get about 5.1 grams in a cup of boiled broccoli.

    Main benefits of fiber for health

    Prevent constipation
    Constipation is a condition in which a person has difficulty to remove dirt or feces from the body. Fiber can prevent and alleviate constipation because of its ability to absorb water as it passes through the digestive tract, thereby increasing the size of the stool and make it soft so easily removed. Stools did not accumulate in the body, this will make the digestion and the body becomes healthier.

    Helps Lower Cholesterol and Prevent Coronary Heart Disease
    Fiber foods generally can bind cholesterol in the diet, so as to help reduce cholesterol levels that accumulate in the body. Cholesterol stacks that reduced in the bloodstream will automatically reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Prevent Colon Cancer
    When the stool is supposed to be disposed of by the body accumulates too long in the body, bad bacteria will easily multiply and injure the intestinal wall so that free radicals can disrupt the body's cells. Moreover, the toxins in the dirt will be absorbed by the body again through the blood vessels and eventually spread throughout the body and makes the body unhealthy. It can increase the risk of colon cancer.

    Helps Lose Weight
    Foods that contain a relatively high fiber will give you a sense of satiety due to the composition of complex carbohydrates that are stopping appetite, thus resulting in lower consumption of food. In addition, foods that contain lots of fiber are usually low in fat so that it can reduce the intake of fat and excess calories in the body.

    Keeping Blood Sugar Levels Remain Stable
    Foods rich in fiber usually contain complex carbohydrates. This type of carbohydrate that takes time slow to be absorbed into the body system. Slow absorption process of carbohydrates can help avoid the drastic increase in blood sugar levels so that the body's blood sugar levels relatively stable and steady.

    Pomegranate Nutrition & Benefits For Health

    Pomegranate is a fruit that contain a lot of nutrition such as vitamin B, C, E, K, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron etc. Meanwhile, pomegranate benefits has been used since long ago in traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda, pomegranate called as a substance which gives a cooling effect, especially the nerves and blood. Now, various studies and scientific papers about the pomegranate has been widely published, especially in the medical field. Some of the benefits generated by the pomegranate in many diseases such as prostate cancer, heart disease, kidney disease and many more.

    pomegranate benefits

    It's also a study about pomegranate juice benefits conducted by Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, led by M. Young Hong. The research studied the mechanism behind the ability of pomegranate to protect men from prostate cancer. They found that a compound found in pomegranates can induce apoptosis or kill cancer cells in prostate cancer cells. In other words, compounds that are known named punicalagins and punicalins in pomegranate juice may inhibit the spread of prostate cancer cells. In fact, according to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008, pomegranate juice has properties that could be very good for the quality of sperm health.

    Benefits of pomegranate for human health

    In addition to pomegranate juice benefits above, there are also many other benefits that we can get from pomegranate fruit such as:

    Heart Health
    Although research data is still not too much, but it can be inferred if the pomegranates efficacious for heart health. The combination of high antioxidants present in this fruit is very useful to reduce levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and prevent the buildup of plaque on artery walls. In addition, a study conducted at the University of Maryland found if the compounds contained in pomegranates can increase blood flow. Pomegranate health benefits for the heart has been long believed by experts in traditional medicine long before scientific studies done.

    Prevent cancer
    One of the pomegranates benefits are widely discussed is the ability to ward off cancer. This has been reviewed in the journal Translational Oncology. Mentioned that pomegranates can ward off breast cancer and skin cancer. Including the benefits of pomegranate juice to prevent prostate cancer as mentioned above.

    Overcoming Osteoarthritis
    Pomegranate is able to cope with various kinds of diseases such as atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. Damage caused by thickening and hardening of the arteries and cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. In addition, pomegranate is also able to prevent the formation of enzymes that can destroy connective tissue.

    Overcoming Anemia
    To maintain a healthy blood flow we can consume pomegranate in any way. Iron content is owned by pomegranates can reduce the symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and dizziness.

    Lowering cholesterol
    According to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the antioxidants in pomegranates may reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) in mice. This decrease in LDL cholesterol and raise HDL (good cholesterol).

    Rich in Antioxidants
    Recent research shows that pomegranates are rich in anthocyanidins that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Pomegranate juice is touted to have more antioxidants than "super foods" such as red wine, green tea and blueberries. Antioxidants fight free radicals that can damage cells. This cell damage associated with all sorts of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

    Reduce stress
    In a study conducted by Queen Margaret University Edinburgh found that Pomegranate juice can help get rid of stress and soothe the liver. This can happen because the pomegranate can reduce levels of cortisol or stress hormones in our saliva while reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure so it helps you to be more relaxed. Only with Pomegranate juice by about 2.5 cups a day then you can reduce stress levels.

    Protect the baby's brain
    The last important pomegranate benefits that we can write is to protect the baby's brain. A study published in Pediatric Research found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helps protect the newborn brain after a traumatic birth.

    Pomegranate calories and nutrition facts

    Medium sized pomegranate with a diameter of 10 cm are known to contain around 234 calories, which is only 28 calories coming from fat. In total fat contained only about 3 gr. Based on this, it can be concluded if the pomegranate fruit including very low in fat. The biggest nutrient content in pomegranate is antioxidants, pomegranate antioxidants even three times more than green tea and red wine that has been lauded as the greatest producer of antioxidants. This makes a lot of experts include pomegranate as one of the "super fruit". Moreover, in one pomegranate contains vitamins A, B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid), C, and E. In fact, the average pomegranate contains about 40 percent of the daily recommended vitamin C for adults.

    Pomegranate is also rich in mineral content. Some of these are calcium and iron. Both of these minerals work to maintain healthy teeth and bones and assist in the formation of blood hemoglobin. The fiber content in the pomegranate is also good for the diet. But of all the pomegranate parts that can be consumed, pomegranate seeds are those that have the highest fiber content. For more detailed, you can read pomegranate nutritional value table below:

    Banana Nutrition Facts & Calories Content As Instant Energy

    It is mentioned that banana is an instant energy booster, and many athletes eat it to get their energy back. Do you know how many calories in a banana, so many people make a banana as a source of instant energy? Based on USDA National Nutrient database, calories in every medium sized banana or about 118g is 105 calories, meanwhile in a large sized of banana or about 136g is 121 calories. That is calories in raw bananas (not processed). Calories in 1lb 3oz sundae (banana split) contain 894 calories.

    banana nutrition

    Banana is a fruit that is rich in nutrients. All nutrition and health benefits of bananas preserved naturally by the skin. Bananas, including foods that are easily digested and has many health benefits.

    Banana nutrition facts

    A medium-sized banana contains about 467 mg of potassium and just a little sodium which is about 1 mg. Potassium is an essential element to regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, as well as other related issues.

    Bananas are rich in calcium, 100 grams of bananas capable of supplying 5 mg of calcium to the body. Calcium is essential for the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. In addition, calcium also serves to facilitate neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction.

    As we mentioned earlier, the energy content in bananas is very high so it is suitable for use as a source of food to get energy quickly. In 100 gr banana contains 22.84 grams of carbohydrates, 12.23 grams of sugar, and 2.6 grams of fiber. Although slightly higher for patients with diabetes, but it makes bananas as a source of quick energy and easy to digest.

    In 100 grams of bananas available nearly 8.7 mg of vitamin C for the body. Vitamin C protects the body against oxidative stress and malnutrition. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps the body control the free radicals that enter the body.

    Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin, plays an important role for smooth functioning of the nervous system, boost immune system and fight infection. In 225 grams of bananas contained 0.8 mg vitamin B6 for the body.

    A wide range of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and others can be found in bananas. These vitamins help the formation of blood as well as other activities in the body for maintain fitness levels remain high all the time.

    Some kinds of other minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, and fluoride is also found in bananas. Each of these minerals help the body's various functions and boost the immune system.

    For more better banana nutrition information, below you can read banana nutritional value table based on USDA National Nutrients database.

    High water content in bananas keeps the body well hydrated without reducing essential nutrients. This makes bananas help you lose weight effectively. To get all the benefits, it must be ensured that eating bananas fresh or processed banana that has been coated with sugar or chocolate. For further information, you can continue to read benefits of banana for health.

    Hidden Benefits of Coconut Oil For Health And Beauty

    Coconut oil is often used only for cooking, actually there are so many benefits of coconut oil for health and beauty. In fact, also mentioned that coconut oil can also be used to treat acne. Because 50 percent of coconut oil content is lauric acid that supports healthy metabolism and has studied the content has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. In addition, coconut oil also rich in vitamins, such as vitamin D, E and K.

    Coconut oil generally get a bad assumption because it contains high saturated fat. However, in fact there are also many benefits of coconut oil, especially virgin coconut oil (VCO). Unlike the vegetable oil, VCO containing 92% medium-chain fatty acids can continue to be absorbed through the intestinal wall when it is in the gastrointestinal tract, the process is faster because without due process and enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore supplied directly into the blood stream and was immediately taken into the liver to metabolized. VCO is processed in the liver into energy, not cholesterol and fat deposits, the energy is used to improve the function of all endoktrin glands, organs and tissues.

    Coconut oil nutrition

    Like what we have mentioned above, quoting from wikipedia, Coconut oil contains a large proportion of lauric acid, a saturated fat that raises blood cholesterol levels by increasing the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.This may create a more favourable blood cholesterol profile, although it is unclear whether coconut oil may promote atherosclerosis through other pathways. Because much of the saturated fat of coconut oil is in the form of lauric acid, coconut oil may be a better alternative to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil when solid fats are required. In addition, virgin coconut oil (VCO) is composed mainly of medium-chain triglycerides, which may not carry the same risks as other saturated fats.

    Benefits of coconut oil for health

    Protect the heart
    Because it is rich in lauric acid, coconut oil consumption can protect the heart by lowering bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

    Lowers the risk of cardiovasculardisease
    A study has proven that potent virgin coconut oil consumption lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Controlling blood sugar levels
    Virgin coconut oil will not trigger an increase in the hormone insulin in the blood vessels. Conversely, consuming coconut oil can help you control your blood sugar by increasing insulin performance.

    Boost immunity
    Lauric acid content in coconut oil is enhancing good immune system.

    Maintain brain health
    Several studies also have shown that consuming coconut oil is able to maintain brain health in old age.

    Speed ​​up the healing process
    Panamanian people like to drink pure coconut oil to treat diseases and accelerate the healing process.

    Helps the absorption of nutrients
    Consuming virgin coconut oil and vitamin E together is the solution for treating failure nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.

    Speed ​​up your metabolism
    As mentioned earlier, coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids can stimulate a faster metabolism and give you energy.

    Eradicate bacteria
    Virgin coconut oil also contains caprylic acid which is known to kill harmful bacteria.

    Benefits of coconut oil for beauty

    Lip balm
    Rub on chapped lips. You can also use it to keep moisture lip anywhere, but not during the summer, as the heat will melt the oil.

    Anti aging moisturizer
    Coconut oil is anti-microbial agents, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. So apply coconut oil on the face as a moisturizer for anti-aging properties and prevent acne.

    Get rid of stretch marks
    If you frequently disturbed by the presence of stretch marks, apply coconut oil for a few weeks until able to eliminate them completely.

    Stimulate hair growth
    If you want long hair quickly, just apply coconut oil to hair roots. The process is almost the same as how to cope with split ends.

    Make your nails grow longer
    In addition to hair, beautiful and long nails can also be obtained by applying coconut oil. Focus on the cuticle area so that your nails look more beautiful.

    Deep conditioner
    Warm massage on the scalp and hair. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse. You do not need to use a conditioner after shampooing

    Hair chapped and dry
    Although cutting the broken part is the best solution, you can use coconut oil to reduce and make it sparkle again

    If you have calluses or rough heels, use a pumice stone before going to bed. Apply coconut oil on your feet and wear a pair of socks to lock in moisture overnight

    Face Cream
    Lauric acid is said to cure acne, a good choice for oily and combination skin.

    Make up cleanser
    Coconut oil can be an effective cleanser and makeup has a natural moisturizer