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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Vitamins. Tampilkan semua postingan

12 Vitamin C Foods Besides Oranges

Do you know another source of vitamin C besides oranges? In fact, there are several vitamin c foods from fruits or vegetables that higher than oranges. There are about 21 kinds of fruits that contain vitamin C which is enough to meet your daily vitamin C needs. Most people consider, the source of vitamin C contained in oranges only. Even in some cases, some people who do not want to meet the consumption of vitamin C, because they do not like oranges fruit.

Vitamin C requirement is different for each person, depending on their living habits. In teenagers, these habits such as smoking, drinking coffee, or alcoholic beverages, the consumption of certain medications such as anti-seizure medications, tetracycline antibiotics, anti-arthritis, sleep medicine, and oral contraceptives. Smoking habits eliminates 25% of vitamin C in the blood. In addition to other compounds that affect nicotine as bad is caffeine. Besides stress, fever, infection, and exercise also increases the need for vitamin C.

Below RDA for vitamin C based on ods.od.nih.gov data.
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Vitamin C 
Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
0–6 months40 mg*40 mg*
7–12 months50 mg*50 mg*
1–3 years15 mg15 mg
4–8 years25 mg25 mg
9–13 years45 mg45 mg
14–18 years75 mg65 mg80 mg115 mg
19+ years90 mg75 mg85 mg120 mg
SmokersIndividuals who smoke require 35 mg/day
more vitamin C than nonsmokers.

Foods high in vitamin C besides oranges

  • Vitamin C content in guava
    The content of vitamin C in guava twice more than in sweet orange. If oranges has 54 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, then the guava contained about 108 milligrams per 100 grams. The fruit is beneficial for weight loss, prevent skin breakouts, lower cholesterol, and treat diarrhea. Guava is a fruit with the highest vitamin C content.
  • The content of Vitamin C in Kiwi
    Vitamin C in the kiwi apparently proportional to the amount of vitamin C in guava. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi is 100 milligrams per 100 grams. kiwi Including fruits containing high vitamin c. This fruit has health benefits for preventing heart disease and hypertension, treat symptoms of impotence, and maintain stamina. Other properties is able to maintain healthy skin and is suitable as a nutrient for pregnant women.

  • Vitamin C in Longan
    The content of vitamin C in the Longan about 84 milligrams per 100 grams, still higher than the oranges. Levels of vitamin C on Longan, making this fruit including fruit rich in vitamin C. One of the benefits of this fruit is to cure insomnia.
  • Vitamin C in Papaya
    Levels of vitamin C in papaya, can be different in different reference. But do not worry, because still the average content of vitamin C in papaya is two times more than oranges. Papaya fruit has benefits to reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, helping the process of protein digestion, and improve sperm quality.
  • Vitamin C in Red Paprika
    The content of vitamin C in red paprika about 190 milligrams of 100 grams, four times more than oranges. But the red paprika are not classified as a fruit that can be eaten like oranges. Because red paprika better known as cooking ingredients or composition of a mixed diet. So it is still better fulfillment oranges for immediate consumption. Usefulness of red pepper can prevent cataracts in the eye.
  • Vitamin C in broccoli
    The content of vitamin C in broccoli was 118 milligrams per 100 grams. Like red paprika, broccoli is a vegetable. Broccoli has health benefits for cancer prevention, detoxification, prevent stomach disorders, and prevent heart disease. Other properties are able to care for the skin, and prevent anemia.
  • Vitamin C in cabbage
    The content of vitamin C in cabbage is 160.8 milligrams per 2 cups. Means every one cup contains at least 80.4 milligrams of vitamin C. Cabbage has health benefits can prevent cancer. It also can prevent thrush because it contains vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C in strawberries
    The content of vitamin C in strawberries is 56.7 milligrams per 100 grams, 8 consumption of strawberries every day it will fulfill the needs of vitamin C daily. Health benefits of strawberries such as teeth whitening and as a natural acne remedy.
  • Vitamin C in Cauliflower
    On cauliflower, its vitamin C content reached 50 milligrams per 100 grams, similar to the content of vitamin C in cabbage. Cauliflower has benefits to prevent the occurrence of cancer, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and tumors.
  • Vitamin C in Tomatoes
    The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is 34 milligrams per 100 grams.
  • Vitamin C in Chili
    The content of vitamin C in chili about 84 milligrams per 100 grams, chili has a spicy flavor, so it is rarely eaten straight especially in a dose of 100 grams.
  • The content of Vitamin C in apples
    The content of vitamin C in apples is 5 milligrams in 100 grams. Apple has benefits to detoxify the body, stabilize the body's immunity, and reduce the body's allergic.

Vitamin D Foods, Deficiency & Overdose

The main function of vitamin D is act as the destroyer and killer all kinds of viruses and bacteria that invade the body, also gives strength to the body against disease. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency or overdose can cause several diseases. Vitamin D is also very important to expedite the process of bones and teeth  growth also keep it out of brittleness. If there is deficiency of vitamin D, the body will experience a variety of diseases, such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. Meanwhile if there is overdose of vitamin D, also cause several disease. Actually, the specific disease caused by vitamin D overdose does not exist. It's just that organ damage can be experienced due to excess vitamin D. Vitamin D is also known to carry a fair amount of calcium. For excess daily consumption causes renal impaired performance and overburdened.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health because it plays a role in calcium absorption in the stomach and digestive tract. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body will not be able to absorb calcium properly so having weak bones. Vitamin D is a pro-hormone that our body uses to transport calcium from the digestive through the blood to the bones, heart, brain, lungs and other organs that require it.

It is need to meet the requirement daily intake of vitamin D, according to the United States Institute of Medicine, the recommended dietary allowances of vitamin D are:

  • Infants 0–6 months: 400 IU/day* 
  • Infants 6–12 months: 400 IU/day* 
  • 1–70 years of age: 600 IU/day (15 μg/day) 
  • 71+ years of age: 800 IU/day (20 μg/day) 
  • Pregnant/lactating: 600 IU/day (15 μg/day) 
  • Asterisk for infants indicates Adequate Intake (AI) for infants, as an RDA has yet to be established for infants.

Vitamin D foods

Vitamin D is a lot coming from the morning sun, working on bone mineralization by increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the digestive system, so that the levels in the blood increases. This is done by taking calcium from the bones and to encourage retention by the kidneys. Even so, you also can get vitamin D from foods such as Green vegetables, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes are also rich in lycopene, broccoli, cod liver oil, salmon and mackerel, tuna fish and sardines, cereals are fortified with vitamin D, eggs (including the yolk), also margarine are fortified with vitamin.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Anyone know what are the symptoms? Abnormal bone formation is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency which can lead to other diseases that spread more severe. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is restless, forehead always sweating, irritable and also swelling in the joints and cartilage to form 2 circles are hard. Usually these symptoms if attacked children who are deficient in vitamin D will look fat even though underweight. 

The most severe symptoms are leg bone formation in children is not normal. Can be concave or convex. Their stomach would like enlarged and swollen to the front and followed by constipation. This is because the intake of vitamin D deficiency as a baby. Inadequate intake of milk into the cause of these symptoms arise. Usually phosphorus and calcium deficiency. But it could be a deficiency of vitamin D was greater so that the intake of phosphorus and calcium were not met.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose

Emotional symptoms of excess vitamin D is usually marked by nervous, irritable or short-tempered. While the physical symptoms that can be observed is dehydration and severe headaches. For long-term symptoms can be neurological abnormalities, muscle shape that started not fit, and there is itching, weak and tired. Can even interfere with the urinary tract. The occurrence of excessive urine production, and the presence of kidney stones can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms of your long term health.

Keep in mind that the initial diagnosis of vitamin D overdose is not easy. However, if the feeling or condition of your body is not good due to the consumption of vitamin D, immediately go to the doctor to check if you have been exposed to toxic or toxicity of vitamin D.

Vitamin K Benefits And Rich Foods

Vitamin K has many benefits for our bodies. Benefits of vitamin K is for blood clotting. Lack of vitamin K lead bleeding endlessly, and severe anemia. Vitamin K controls the production of prothrombin in the liver. Vitamin K is produced in the gut and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin K helps the absorption of calcium from food, thus helping the formation and maintenance of bone health.

Vitamin K may be a future alternative to handle some types of cancer. Because vitamin K acts as a poison to cancer cells, but not membahayaklan healthy cells. Vitamin K also acts to prevent Alzheimer's disease and to help control blood sugar levels so that did not happen diabetes.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is itself divided into three kinds, from generating sources, such as:
  1. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone): This vitamin is produced by plants.
  2. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone): This vitamin is a result of the bacteria found in the digestive organs of the colon.
  3. Vitamin K3 (menadione): This vitamin is a vitamin-made to help someone who has problems with the digestive organs to absorb food.

Vitamin K Health Benefits

Blood clotting
Vitamin K prevents severe blood loss due to injury, by slowing and stopping the bleeding.

Prevent Osteoporosis
Vitamin K can make bones more healthy, in addition to calcium. Vitamin K can improve bone quality in our bodies. This vitamin also helps calcium and other minerals in bones for each binding.

Prevent Cancer
Vitamin K can also fight cancer cells in the body. Several studies have shown that people who consume the vitamin K in their diet are more resistant to cancer. Type of vitamin is even more effective in the fight against blood cancer and colon.

Preventing brain hemorrhage
Babies need an injection of vitamin K because it does not have sufficient levels in their bodies. Vitamins may prevent children from bleeding in the brain.

Vitamin K is essential for children who are experiencing menstrual cycle. When the body is deficient in vitamin K, you will lose a lot of blood during the menstrual period. It makes people feel weak physically.

Vitamin K Rich Foods

Vitamin K is found in various foods including green leafy vegetables, meats, and dairy products. Vitamin K can also be derived from the bacteria in the gut which synthesize vitamin K which is then absorbed and stored in the liver. There are some vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin K, which are:
  • Mustard greens. The content of vitamin K in the green mustard quite high compared to other vegetables are 419.3 mcg per one cup. You just eat greens mustard every day as much as one-off, then the need for vitamin K you will be met on a daily basis without having to take more supplements vitamin K. Therefore, mustard greens being the best source of vitamin K which is highly recommended.
  • Asparagus. The content of vitamin K in 100 grams of asparagus is 416 mcg. The content of vitamin K, which is quite high as well on the type of vegetables can be used as an alternative when bored eating mustard.
  • Kiwi. The content of vitamin K in kiwifruit at 100 grams is 40.3 mcg, or the equivalent of 10% of the daily vitamin K your body needs.
  • Grapes. Vitamin K in the grape with a dose of 100 grams is equivalent to 22 mcg or 21% of vitamin K per day. The grapes are helpful to increase blood flow into the heart.
  • Lettuce. To dose of 100 grams of lettuce, containing a total of 128 mcg of vitamin K.
  • Spinach. The content of vitamin K in green or red spinach is 89 mcg in 100 gr.

Vitamin K Recommended Daily Intake

By the standards of RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of vitamin K a person needs depends on his weight. For adults, it requires at least 1 microgram per day per kg of body weight. So, if you weigh 50 kg then it needs to reach 50 micrograms per day.

Vitamin K deficiency

If vitamin K is not contained in the body, blood can not clot. This can cause bleeding or hemorrhagic. However, vitamin K deficiency is rare because most people get it from bacteria in the gut and from food. However, deficiency can occur in infants because their digestive systems are sterile and do not contain bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K, breast milk contains only small amounts of vitamin K. For that, the baby was given a vitamin K at birth.

In adults, deficiency can occur due to lack of consumption of vegetables or eating antobiotik too long. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines that produce vitamin K. Sometimes vitamin K deficiency caused by liver disease or digestive problems.

Poisoned of Vitamin K

You can also poisoned vitamin K. It occurs only in people receiving vitamin K replacement water soluble. The symptoms are hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), jaundice and brain damage.

Zinc Benefits And Rich Foods List

Zinc is one element that is essential for the growth and development of the body. Zinc plays a role in the immune response, brain function, and reproductive capacity. There are also data showing that zinc supplementation may reduce symptoms of flu, but it is still debatable for the truth.

Zinc is an important mineral to help maintain normal body functions such as wound healing, bone mineralization, tissue growth, and thyroid function. Zinc deficiency can cause anemia, birth defects, infertility, glucose intolerance, and slow wound healing.

Interests and research on zinc and its importance to the human body is increasing day by day. The results of various studies have shown that zinc can reduce the symptoms associated with Chonh's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Alopecia and acne.

A healthy diet plays an important role in maintaining proper levels of zinc. Healthy foods will make your body get enough zinc.

Zinc Health Benefits

Zinc is one of the substances that can maintain the immune system to keep it healthy and productive. However, it is necessary to keep the content of zinc levels so that you can gain the maximum benefit. Meanwhile, if you get zinc at very high levels, the body condition will actually become weaker.

Zinc is considered as a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage and oxidative stress, the body's cells.

Reproduction & Fertility
Zinc plays an important role in reproductive health and fertility of men and women. It is essential for proper hormone production. In women, zinc is necessary for the growth of the eggs and the proper function of estrogen. In men, zinc helps balance testosterone levels and may help to increase libido.

Zinc helps the body to detoxify metals and remove high levels of minerals such as iron from the brain. This process is necessary to maintain healthy brain tissue and good brain function and may play an important role in reducing the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Healthy Skin
Zinc is very helpful in skin treatment. It is very useful in treating acne and pimples. Zinc also helps in assisting the body to normalize the amount of oils on the skin. It not only helps in removing the acne and pimples but also keeps the skin supple and smooth. Taking foods rich in zinc will help you keep your skin healthy.

Cancer Prevention
Maintaining the level of zinc at the right level in the body is an important part of cancer prevention. Zinc deficiency may play an important role in the development of various types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. In a study with rats, zinc helps prevent the proliferation of prostate cancer cells. It is very necessary to keep the immune system and may have antioxidant properties that help to fight cancer-related conditions.

Promotes the synthesis of collagen,
Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element of proper wound healing. Deficiency of zinc can lead to delayed wound healing. Take zinc rich foods on a regular basis.

For Pregnant Women
Zinc is also very essential for the proper functioning and repairing of DNA. Pregnant women should take zinc rich food for the proper growth of fetus.

Zinc Rich Foods

Zinc can be obtained naturally from the food we eat or from supplements of zinc. Here is a list of foods that contain lots of zinc:

1. Meat
Three-ounce meat provides about 40 percent or more zinc than the recommended daily dose. The meat in question including the roasts, ribs, and beef stew.

While meat provides 25-39 percent of the daily dose is beef, ribs, steak, lamb chops, roast shoulder, and tongue.

Chicken, ham, pork, and turkey at least provides about 10 percent of the recommended daily dose of zinc.

2. Seafood (Seafood)
Oysters are a food source that contains the highest zinc. Another seafood supply at least 10 percent per three ounces, including scallops, lobster, fish, and crab meat.

Zinc is often lost during the cooking process. To maintain the content of zinc, cook food with as little water as possible and in the shortest time possible.

3. Dairy Products
Some foods from dairy products are good sources of zinc. Eight ounces of yogurt and 1/2 cup ricotta cheese contains at least 10 percent of the recommended daily amount. Swiss cheese, Gouda cheese, and milk also contain zinc.

4. Grains and Nuts
Whole wheat flour is a good source of zinc. Fortified dry cereals usually contain at least 10 percent of the recommended amount of zinc. Pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds are also good sources of zinc.

Although zinc is found in nuts are not like those found in meat, nuts still provide sufficient quantities and are a source of zinc which is important especially for vegetarians. Good sources of zinc choice of beans are black eyed peas, beans, pinto beans, soybeans, tempeh, and tofu.

Zinc Recommended Daily Dose

  • Infants 0-6 months old: about 2 mg
  • Children aged 7 months - 3 years: 3 mg
  • Children aged 4-8 years: 5 mg
  • Children aged 9-13 years: 8 mg
Optimal amount of zinc intake differs between men and women after the age of 14 years. Here are the recommended dosage:
  • Men: 11 mg
  • Women: 9 mg
  • Pregnant women: 13 mg
  • Lactating women: 14 mg

Highest level of zinc intake is still tolerable for adults is 40 mg.


Everything is too much or too little will usually cause adverse effects to the body, as well as zinc.

Too much intake of zinc can cause zinc poisoning. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and severe headaches. High levels of zinc can cause the body's difficulty in absorption of copper and iron. This can cause the immune system becomes weak and anemic.

Intake of too little zinc can cause zinc deficiency. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include impaired growth, weight loss, appearance of lesions on the skin, and hair loss.

Vegetarians, pregnant women, and alcoholics may experience zinc deficiency. However, they can get zinc intake from supplements or eating foods rich in zinc.

Vitamin B12 Benefits And Vitamin B12 Rich Foods

Vitamin B12 or have other names cobalamin is one type of water-soluble vitamin and is part of the vitamin B complex. Called as cobalamin because the content of cobalt in it. Vitamin B12 is one of the vitamins that are needed by the body is vital. Type of vitamin B12 or cobalamin is a type of vitamin that is only found in animals. In plants do not contain vitamin B12. Therefore, for those vegetarians often have vitamin B12 deficiency problems, because they do not take sources of vitamin B12, that is only found in animals.

An important function of vitamin B12 is to assist in the formation of red blood cells in the human body. In addition, the vitamin is also essential for DNA replication during cell division. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient to maintain the balance of healthy nerve and myelin synthesis (protein complex, which is a protective sheath of nerve fibers) specifically related to fatty acid metabolism. The other benefits of Vitamin B12 are enhance the immune system and the body's ability to withstand stressful conditions.

Sufficient intake of vitamin B12 is a key element for maintaining body balance. Vitamin B12 can be obtained from a variety of food sources or from supplements orally or by injection. Vitamin B12 has a variety of forms. Methylcobalamin, the coenzyme form of vitamin B12 metabolism does not require special measures to be absorbed by the body. Methylcobalamin is available in a sublingual tablet that dissolves under the tongue so it can be readily absorbed and provides benefits. Hydroxocobalamin is another form of vitamin B12 that has been recognized as an effective way to counteract cyanide poisoning.

The need for vitamin B12 directly proportional to the person age. The older the need for vitamin B12 is increased. Therefore in the elderly, vitamin B12 is needed more. For the elderly, vitamin B12 consumption will be more effective through supplementation compared with the absorption of food because the digestive organs of the elderly has begun to decrease its function. Excessive intake of vitamin B12 is not very significant effect, however, it is advisable to keep the dose of vitamin B12 in accordance with the recommended dose per day.

Benefits of Vitamin B12

1. It plays an important role in the metabolism process, which includes energy generation, nutrition, digestion, absorption, elimination, respiration, circulation, and temperature regulation.

2. Vitamin B12 linked with lower homocysteine levels, which help lessen the risk of heart disease.

3. It is believed to be an excellent energy booster and can aid greater alertness and less fatigue.

4. Aids in preserving a balance in the human body.

5. Combined with other B-group vitamins, it is helpful in the smooth functioning of vital life processes of the human body.

6. Helps the formation of red blood cells, preventing anemia, as well as ensuring the smooth oxygen to hemoglobin in the cells because the quality is good, so that makes us full of energy and fatigue.

7. Maintain a healthy nervous system.

8. Vitamin B12 is used for synthesis / formation of the building blocks of DNA and genes, as well as the repair of damaged cells and tissues that is essential for growth and development in children.

9. B12 can increase the metabolism so as to help those who want to gain weight, especially pembererian by injection in conjunction with weight loss programs.

10. Some sources said the administration B12 injections on a regular basis can prevent adhesions blood cells can block blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of stroke

11. Even a study shows that taking vitamin B12 contained in meat, fish and milk may reduce the risk of dementia in old age.

Dose of Vitamin B12

When compared with other vitamins, the human body needs this vitamin only in very small amounts. The Recommended Dietary Allowance, or RDA, for adults 19 years of age and older is 2.4 mcg vitamin B12 daily. Pregnant women need slightly more vitamin B12, 2.6 mcg a day. The RDA of vitamin B12 for nursing mothers is even more, 2.8 mcg daily. If your diet includes animal foods, you can meet your vitamin B12 needs without an additional supplement.

Excess vitamin B12 that is consumed, the body will be absorbed in the liver. Not much really (only about 80% of daily needs) because this vitamin is water soluble. Vitamin B12 is generally stable and not easily broken, but the cooking of food for too long and with too much fire can destroy its nutritional value.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

What causes us to deficiency of Vitamin B12 and what are the consequences? Deficiency of vitamin B12 will give bad effects to health. Here are some consequences that will be felt as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency:
  • Experience anemia or less blood.
  • Easily tired and weak in the move.
  • Experiencing constipation disease.
  • Decreased appetite everyday.
  • Weight loss.
  • Easy to experience tingling in the hands or feet.
  • Difficult to maintain the balance, prone to depression, confusion, poor memory in mind, experiencing pain in the mouth and tongue.

Vitamin B12 Rich Foods

Natural sources of vitamin B12 are animal foods. Food products such as meat, dairy products, and eggs contain large amounts of vitamin B12. Here are some healthy foods that are a source of vitamin B12:

1. Liver
100 grams of liver provides more than 30 micrograms of Vitamin B12. These foods are also rich in nutrients that are loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be healthy for the overall development of the body.

2. Beef
Beef liver is also rich in cobalamin. That is why beef is a food rich in vitamin B12, protein, zinc and iron.

3. Chicken breast
Chicken breast is a rich food source of Vitamin B12 and folic acid that can nourish the heart and the body's reproductive system.

4. Eggs
Eggs contain high amounts of Vitamin B12. In chicken eggs, egg yolks are rich in Vitamin B12.

5. Yogurt
Yogurt is the main source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin (Vitamin B1), and cobalamin (vitamin B12). Take low-fat yogurt or fat-free because it contains low fat and rich in nutrients.

6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal contains many essential nutrients and vitamins. Oats are also a rich source of vitamin B12.

7. Milk
Milk contains a lot of calcium, iron and vitamins that are essential for body growth. Milk is also known to be rich in Vitamin B12.

Vitamin E Benefits And Vitamin E Rich Foods

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that has many benefits, either when taken alone or in combination with other vitamins. Vitamin E was first discovered by Dr. H.M Evans, in 1922. Vitamin E is a combination of eight important molecules that is four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Vitamin E is not soluble in water but soluble in fat. In our body, Vitamin E will be digested by the bile, which serves as an emulsifying oil. Because of its anti-oxidant vitamin E it is very beneficial for health.

As an anti-oxidant, vitamin E is useful in a variety of body processes and help protect vital cell structures. Vitamin E protects cell membranes from free radical damage. As an anti-oxidant in the body, vitamin E is beneficial in searching, reacting, and break the chain reaction of free radicals. In the reaction process, vitamin E itself converted into a radical. However, this radical will soon regenerate into active vitamin through a biochemical process involving other compounds.

Vitamin E and skin health has a very close relationship of causality. Soft and healthy skin requires the fulfillment of vitamin E. Therefore, vitamin E is an important part of almost all skin care products. In public, even vitamin E is better known as vitamin nutrients to the skin. And a lot of people take advantage of vitamin E for healthy skin.

Benefits of Vitamin E

Increase endurance,
Also help cope with stress, increase fertility, minimizing the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease.

For Healthy Skin
the role of vitamin E is very important for healthy skin, by maintaining, improving skin elasticity and moisture, prevents premature aging, protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation damage, and accelerate the wound healing process.

As antioxidants.
All vitamin E is an antioxidant and is involved in many body processes and operate as natural antioxidants that help protect the cell structure which is important especially cell membranes from damage due to free radicals.

Protect red blood cells that carries oxygen to all body tissues from damage.
In addition to protecting from the effects of excess vitamin A and vitamin A to protect from damage, this vitamin can also protect animals from the effects of various drugs, chemicals, and metals which support the formation of free radicals.

Treat acne
Topical vitamin E oil, useful to prevent and accelerate healing of acne. Vitamin E is also believed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, acne scars and camouflage freckles, wrinkles and smooth lines due to aging.

For healthy hair
This vitamin E oil helps the blood circulation to the scalp so as to improve the health of hair. Vitamin E helps prevent the signs of premature aging such as graying hair, balding or hair loss. Some brands of shampoo and conditioner today many take advantage of vitamin E. Because, basically healthy hair is also very dependent on the health of the scalp.

Vitamin E Foods

1. Sunflower seeds
Sun dried seeds and sunflower oil are good sources of vitamin E. You can change the cooking oil you use with sunflower oil.

2. Almond
Almost all of the food kind of nuts, especially almonds contain vitamin E. You can replace your snacks with almonds.

3. Spinach
Spinach is a vegetable that is rich in health benefits. In addition to vitamin E, spinach is also a provider of other essential nutrients.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli is also a vegetable that contains vitamin E. Cook broccoli according to your tastes well made soup, steamed or eaten fresh.

5. Tomatoes
Fresh tomatoes or tomato juice as a healthy food intake of vitamin E. Tomatoes contain vitamin E with a very good amount.

6. Mustard greens
Green cabbage is a vegetable that you should eat to increase intake of vitamin E. Consumption of mustard greens with fresh circumstances, or not too long in the cooking.

7. Paprika
Vegetables that similar to chili, but not spicy it is also a source of vitamin E. peppers are also rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

8. Peanut butter
For fans of jam you do not have to worry about looking for the intake of vitamin E. One tablespoon of peanut butter contains about 1.25 mg of vitamin E.

9. Cereals
Eating cereals also increase the intake of vitamin E. When you look at the store or supermarket cereal make sure the container has the nutritional value of vitamin E.

10. Turnip greens
Turnip greens provide vitamin E with a pretty good amount. Turnip greens are also rich in calcium.

During its development, Vitamin E is produced in the form of pills, capsules, and others. Vitamins that already packaged in various forms is sold freely in the market and are considered useful.

Tips For Choosing Good Vitamin E

In order to gain the maximum benefits of vitamin E, we need to know what is vitamin E which is good. Here are tips for choosing good vitamin E:

1. Choose products with the vitamin E content of natural vitamin E that is labeled d-alpha tocopherol, and not be written with dl-alpha tocopherol.

2. Choose vitamin E products that do not cause allergies and irritation of the skin, that is labeled with dermatologist-tested. This means the product has been tested vitamin E and examine its feasibility by dermatologists.

3. For vitamin E products which directly applied to the skin, you should select that contains vitamin E concentrations between 0.1 to 1 mg. This is done so that antioxidants can still function properly.

Vitamin A Rich Foods And Benefits Of Vitamin A For Our Body

Vitamin A is a micro nutrient essential for our body. Vitamin A is needed to build body tissues, helps metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Benefits of Vitamin A lot, associated with the eye. But in fact, vitamin A also has many other benefits. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Inside there are compound such as retinol, retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate. Retinol is a compound that has the most roles in the body.

Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of corneal cells, helping the growth of bones and teeth, the formation and regulation of hormones, as well as protecting the body against cancer.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

Here are some of the benefits of vitamin A:
  • Vitamin A plays an important role in the formation of the sense of sight. This vitamin will help change the signaling molecules of the rays or light, received by the retina, to be a projection of the image in our brains.
  • Vitamin A can help cells to reproduce normally. If the cells can not reproduce normally it could turn into pre-cancerous.
  • Vitamin A is also very good for pregnant women. Because it can assist the growth and development of the embryo and fetus, and will affect the genes for the development of organs.
  • Vitamin A protects the body from foreign organisms infections, such as bacterial pathogens. This vitamin will increase the work activity of white blood cells and antibodies in the body, so the body becomes more resistant to toxic compounds or parasitic microorganisms attack.

Vitamin A Deficiency

There are several signs and symptoms that can be recognized if the person is deficient in vitamin A. The symptoms are include having night blindness or difficulty seeing at night, an inflammation of the skin till become infected, to anemia.

In addition, vitamin A deficiency can also affect the growth of bones and teeth, till nerves. This could have an impact on tooth decay, bone deformation up to cause paralysis.

Vitamin A deficiency can occur as either a primary or secondary deficiency. A primary vitamin A deficiency occurs among children and adults who do not consume an adequate intake of yellow and green vegetables, fruits and liver. Early weaning can also increase the risk of vitamin A deficiency.

Adequate supply of Vitamin A is especially important for pregnant and breastfeeding women, since deficiencies cannot be compensated by postnatal supplementation.. However, excess Vitamin A, especially through vitamin supplementation, can cause birth defects and should not exceed recommended daily values.

Vitamin A Rich Food

To get the benefits of vitamin A, you can earn from your daily food consumption. Here are foods that rich in vitamin A
  1. Animal liver is a very rich source of vitamin A. It has been found that 100 g of liver (beef, pork, turkey, fish) contains about 6500 mcg of vitamin A.
  2. Carrot. If you are vegan and looking for dietary vitamin A sources, then eat raw carrot daily. It is said that 100 g of raw carrot has 836 mcg of vitamin A content.
  3. Sweet potato. Sweet potato is also very rich in vitamin A content. 100 g of sweet potato has 709 mcg of vitamin A.
  4. Spinach. Spinach too is quite high in vitamin A content. 100 g of spinach has 469 mcg of vitamin A.
  5. Cheese. Just 100 g of cheddar cheese can provide 265 mcg of vitamin A.
  6. Cantaloupe melon. Another rich source of vitamin A is cantaloupe melon. 169 mcg of vitamin A is present in just 100 g of it.
  7. Eggs. Eggs are also excellent source of this vitamin and 100 g contain 140 mcg of vitamin A.
  8. Apricot. By taking just 100 g of apricot daily, you are taking 96 mcg of vitamin A.
  9. Papaya not only helps in digestion, but is also a good source of vitamin A. From 100 g of papaya you can derive 55 mcg of vitamin A.
  10. Broccoli. You can get 31 mcg of vitamin a from 100 g of broccoli.
  11. Mango and peas both contain trace amount of vitamin A. for every 100 g, 38 mcg of vitamin is present.
  12. Milk. Milk is not only a rich source of protein, but other nutrients too. 100 g of milk contains approximately 28 mcg of Vitamin A.

List Foods That Highly Rich In Vitamin D

The benefits of vitamin D for the body is very much. This vitamin has an important role in boosting the immune system. Vitamin D can also destroy bacteria and viruses that exist in our bodies. If vitamin D in the body is not fulfilled, the killer cells of the immune system (T cells) the body is not able to fight off serious infections in the body.

Vitamin D including fat-soluble vitamins. This vitamin is also needed to maintain a healthy body. But do not take this vitamin in excess, as it can be toxic to the body.

For men and women aged 14-50 years are encouraged to consume 200 IU of vitamin D per day. For age above 51 years, intake of vitamin D in the body should be increased to 400 IU per day. If the age of 71 years, the intake was increased to 600 IU per day.

Benefits of Vitamin D for Our Body

Parts of the body most affected by vitamin D are bone and teeth. The function of vitamin D that is most important is to destroy and kill a variety of viruses and bacteria that harm our bodies. Therefore, vitamin D is very good given to people who are in a period of healing. In addition, vitamin D also acts as an antibiotic for the body because it can give strength to the body against disease.

Here are some benefits of vitamin D:
1. Assist in the absorption of calcium as a mineral that is needed by the bones. Conditions bone loss is one thing that is triggered from a lack of vitamin D.

2. Keeping the human immune system. Various activities were conducted human solid day-to-day gives the risk of the immune system, through adequate intake of vitamin D, it will reduce the risk of decline in the immune system.

3. Preventing many dangerous diseases like steoporosis, cancer, hypertension and osteoarthritis.

Source of Vitamin D

To get the benefits of vitamin D, you can get it from the usual variety of food you consume daily. Milk is the best source of vitamin D that recognized. Moreover, most of the dairy products also are now fortified with vitamin D.

In addition, there is an even easier way to get the benefits of vitamin D. The trick is to bask in the sun in the morning, between 7 am to 9 am. Basking in the sun do not need every day if you're busy. But you can devote some time about two or three times a week for 15 minutes for sunbathing. That way you will feel the benefits of vitamin D apart from food intake.

Food that Rich in Vitamin D

Milk is one of the best sources of vitamin D. A glass of milk is enriched with essential nutrients, not to forget vitamin D. Besides, milk is not only nutritious for children but also for adults equally. Researches indicate that vitamin D present in milk provides anti-aging benefits. As such, make milk a part of your daily diet.

Egg Yolks
Eggs are another rich source of vitamin D, especially the yellow bulbous portion called the yolk. As such, it regulates the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and the brain. Further, it lowers the risk of cataract and helps in improving one’s nails and hair growth.

Salmon is yet another one of the major sources of vitamin D. In fact, it is one of the natural sources of vitamin D and essential fatty acids which is very rare. Salmon helps in improving the functioning of the brain and protecting the nervous system. It acts as an anti-depressant and hence, assists in relaxing the brain, increasing brain efficiency, and improving memory.

Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil is extensively known for providing vitamin D in large amounts. As such, it is known for improving the condition of the heart and cardiovascular system. Further, it assists in enhancing the functioning of muscles and supporting the elasticity of blood vessels. Researches have linked cod liver oil with reducing high cholesterol levels and thinning of blood, thereby decreasing the chances of clogging arteries.

Apart from containing fewer calories, mushrooms are savored for their taste, texture, and high amounts of benefits, particularly vitamin D. They are known for reducing hypertension, helping in weight loss, diminishing the risk of apoplectic attack, controlling migraine headaches, and maintaining healthy metabolism.

Canned Sardines
Rich in vitamin D apart from other nutrients, canned sardines help in improving the overall bone health and cardiovascular health. Further, they are even known to treat inflammation effectively and keep the levels of body sugar under control.

Cheese is one of dairy products that is rich in vitamin D. This helps in absorbing high amounts of calcium from cheese, thereby improving bone health and preventing osteoporosis. To add on, the presence of vitamin D in cheese is useful for strengthening teeth and avoiding cavities. This, in turn, is helpful in preventing the wear and tear of the enamel.

Canned Tuna
Canned tunas are filled with large amounts of vitamin D. As a result, they are highly beneficial in protecting the skin against sun burns and skin cancer. Further, it helps in replenishing the moisture content, thereby keeping the skin moist and giving it a natural glowing look.

Herring is one of the richest sources of extracting vitamin D. With over 952 IU of vitamin D in just one cup of herring, this nutritious fish should be a must-have food in the diet of non-vegetarians. Particularly the Atlantic herring is more beneficial than the Pacific variety. Have it raw, dried, pickled, fermented, or cured through techniques, herring provides all the benefits of vitamin D through all means.

Cooked Liver
For those of you who do not know, liver is yet another great source of providing your body with vitamin D. Though all chicken, beef, and calf livers contain considerate amount of vitamin D, but it is the calf liver that is the healthiest amongst all. It is very useful for proper bone growth, healthy skin and hair, and reproduction.

Another source food apart from the above are mackerel, halibut, catfish, shrimps, oysters, orange juice fortified with vitamin D, fortified yogurt, margarine, and fortified breakfast cereals are also good sources of vitamin D.