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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Healthy Snack. Tampilkan semua postingan

Surprising Benefits Of Peanuts For Health, Especially To Reduce Cancer Risk

Do not ever underestimate benefits of peanuts for health, because peanuts nutrition has ability to reduce and stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood, lowering the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and prevent potential protection from cancer and inhibit tumor growth. There is a myth about peanut that fattening, but after you read this, the myth is just a myth. Research have shown that peanuts can prevent weight gain if consumed regularly every day. So snacking peanuts certainly a smart choice when on a diet!

Nuts are foods that contain high levels of satiety, so as stated in a study published in The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Dr. Richard Mattes, Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Purdue University, said the satiety value of peanuts is not solely a result of fat, fiber, or protein, but the synergy of all the components.

Peanuts rich in fat, which contains high protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B complex, vitamins A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium. Protein content in peanuts is much higher than that of meat, eggs and soya beans. High fiber content in peanuts is very good for the smooth functioning of the intestine. Peanuts can help lower the risk of colon cancer and against the formation of gallstones. Based on nutrient contents on peanuts, below are summaries of the health benefits of peanuts.

11 amazing peanuts health benefits

  1. Reduce risk of heart disease: Numerous studies have shown that consumption of nuts regularly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Nuts are rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated fats and antioxidants such as oleic acid. Grabbed a handful of peanuts and other nuts at least four times a week to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.

  2. Reduce depression: Peanuts contain a lot of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is important for the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical involved in mood control. When depression occurs, less serotonin is released from nerve cells. Tryptophan may enhance the antidepressant effects of serotonin in the event of an increase in the amount of serotonin in the blood.

  3. Reduce risk of cancer: Peanuts contain phytosterol called beta-sitosterol which help prevent the growth of tumors. A form of phytosterol called beta-sitoserol (SIT) is found in high concentrations in some plant oils, grains, and legumes, including peanuts. Phytosterols not only protects against heart disease by blocking the absorption of cholesterol, they also protect against cancer by inhibiting tumor growth.

  4. Helps maintain fetus health: Peanuts contain lots of folate, which is known to be very beneficial for the health of the fetus and to prevent birth defects.

  5. Help prevent gallstones: Research conducted over 20 years have shown that eating one ounce of nuts, peanuts or peanut butter a week lowered the risk of developing gallstones by 25%.

  6. Helps control blood glucose: Peanuts contain the mineral manganese, which is known to play a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, calcium absorption and blood glucose control.

  7. Nourish the brain and prevent Alzheimer's disease: Peanuts contain vitamin B3 or niacin is known to help improve brain memory. Niacin also serves to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Help improve fertility: Peanuts contain a good amount of folic acid. Research has shown that women who have a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby born with a serious neural tube defects by 70%.

  9. Help build muscle: Peanuts contain useful protein to build muscle especially on those in its infancy. Protein also in metabolism to produce energy.

  10. Strengthen bones and teeth: Peanuts contain calcium which is needed for the formation of bones and teeth healthy and strong.

  11. Prevent anemia: Peanuts contain iron which is very important in the formation of red blood cells. Lack of iron can cause anemia.
So, we hope with short 11 benefits of peanuts above will break the myths that maybe you trust.

Almonds Nutrition Facts & Unbelieveble Health Benefits

We already know that almonds is delicious when it found in an ice cream or other products. But today we are not going to talk about the taste, because almonds nutrition is more important to know besides its delicious taste. Almonds are very beneficial to the body because they contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Almonds for health benefits, like overcome constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, heart problems, anemia, impotence, and diabetes. Also helps in hair care, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care. Almond commonly known as the supplementary material to make bread, ice cream, eaten raw, as an ingredient in salads, or almond milk.

benefits of almonds

Benefits of almonds for health & beauty

Good for the heart
Monounsaturated fats, protein and potassium contained in almonds are good for the heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Magnesium in almonds is also useful to help avoid heart attacks. Almonds help reduce C-reactive protein, causing inflammation that damages arteries. Almonds are also rich sources of folic acid, therefore helping to reduce levels of homocysteine​​, which causes fatty plaque buildup in the arteries.

Good for the brain
Almonds are a source of nutrients that can help brain development. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an important food for growing children. Many mothers give almonds soaked in water to their children every day in the morning. 2-3 pieces of soaked almonds are good enough, the outer skin may also be removed to avoid allergies.

Reduce Risk of Hypertension
Almonds are known to contain lots of potassium which plays an important role in controlling blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Almonds contain monounsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fat, which can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).

Sources of Energy
Almonds were added to various dishes and food products can make it more energy-dense foods. This is because almonds contain carbohydrates and protein which is a source of energy.

Maintain Digestive Health
Almonds contain fiber are beneficial for digestion and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Protect the body from free radical damage
Almonds are loaded with vitamin E, which are antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals.

Controlling Weight Gain
Manganese, copper and Riboflavin is found in almond seeds play an important role in helping to control body metabolism. Good metabolism can reduce the accumulation of calories in the form of body fat. Eating almonds can reduce the risk of overweight.

Increase blood flow
In many studies suggest almonds contain vitamin E, unsaturated fats, magnesium, and antioxidants which help in increasing the blood flow. Regularly consume almonds also help the health of your liver.

Natural moisturizer
Pure oil that produced from almond is a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin from dryness. This almond oil naturally provides food and restore the dead skin cells.

Good for hair
Almond oil also contained the potent role in treating hair loss and increase hair growth.

Almonds nutrition facts

Almond seeds contain 49% oil, which is composed of 62% omega-9 fatty acid, 24% omega-6 fatty acid, palmitic acid and 6%. Oleum amygdalae, is a kind of oil obtained from almonds, which is classified as glyceryl oleate. This oil has a mild aroma and taste nuts, alcohol insoluble, but readily soluble in chloroform or ether. Almond seeds contain 26% carbohydrates (12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugar, and 0.7% starch). 

Besides, almonds rich in vitamin E, which is 24 mg per 100 grams. Almond seeds also have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower LDL cholesterol. Other nutrients found in almonds is vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Below you can read almonds nutritional value table based on USDA National Nutrient database.

almonds nutrition

Almond claimed to have the benefits of accelerating the movement of food in the colon, and preventing colon cancer. Several recent studies linking almonds with a decrease in LDL cholesterol. Almonds also have anti-inflammatory / inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and protect the liver. But for some people, almonds can cause allergic symptoms vary from local symptoms (eg, contact urticaria) to systemic symptoms (eg, angioedema, urticaria, or also discomfort in the stomach / respiratory tract).